Website privacy

General information

LinkLiving owns and is responsible for the content of its website at Unless stated otherwise, this Privacy Statement applies only to this website.

Privacy statement

LinkLiving will use any personal information collected from this website in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 2018.

Further details on the UK Data Protection Act can be found at the website for The Information Commissioner’s Office.

LinkLiving has taken appropriate measures to keep secure any personal information given by user of this site. LinkLiving is registered as data controllers on the public register maintained by the Information Commissioner’s Office

What information do we collect and why?

The information collected on this site includes:

  • User’s IP address, which is automatically logged by our web server. IP addresses are used to observe users’ interest in this website (number of visits, etc).
  • Tracking user navigation around this website, using cookies. Cookies are very small text files saved to your computer. They are not cross-referenced with any other information which would allow an individual person to be identified.
  • E-mail addresses and / or other contact details which users voluntarily provide in order to: receive information from LinkLiving and / or recognised organisations or agents of the Link group of companies.
    • Report repairs
    • Arrange appointments with representatives of Larkfield Housing Association or of tradesmen providing services on our behalf
    • Provide feedback or make complaints
    • Make any general enquiries or request information about LinkLiving and any of the services we may offer or administer
  • LinkLiving will not disclose voluntarily provided details to third parties or use the information in any other way without prior consent.
    On all pages where personal data is collected, specific details on the use of this information will be provided.
  • Where you have provided telephone or email details, we may contact you using those media

Your rights

You have the right to access your information held by LinkLiving and where necessary, to have it amended. You can also request not to receive marketing information from LinkLiving.

Chatrooms and forums

Users are reminded that chat rooms and forums are for public discussion. Any personal information supplied by users during these discussions is widely accessible. LinkLiving is not responsible for the content posted by users of these services.

Links to other websites

This website contains links to other sites that are not the responsibility of LinkLiving. This privacy statement does not apply to these sites nor are we responsible for the content and practices of these websites.

Further information

Information Commissioner’s Office Wycliffe House Water Lane WILMSLOW Cheshire SK9 5AF Telephone : 0303 123 1113

Regional office for Scotland: 45 Melville Street Edinburgh EH3 7HL Telephone : 0131 224 9001 email