Edinburgh Young Persons' Service Visiting Housing Support

The visiting housing support service helps people aged 16-25 to overcome the challenges and barriers they may face whilst helping them to achieve their own individual goals and shape their lives for a more positive future.  This can involve finding a suitable home, learning the skills to manage it as well as possible, working through life challenges, trying new things, and learning to see the best in themselves and fulfill their unique potential.

The aim of LinkLiving’s Edinburgh Young Persons’ Service is to help young people get and keep a tenancy, gain independent living skills, strengthen social and family relationships, improve wellbeing, and assist them into education or employment.

It provides trauma-informed support in the individual's home which is person-centered, flexible, and responsive to the changing needs of the individual service user.

How we can help you

Responsive support is provided to access, establish, and maintain an appropriate tenancy and can be practical, social, or emotional in nature. 

We provide a range of support and care to help young people:

  • Set up a tenancy including accessing furnishings and decoration, setting up utility bills such as gas and electric, and help to access benefits 
  • Gain or improve independent living skills 
  • Improve wellbeing – advice on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, shopping, cooking, staying active, and looking after mental health 
  • Finding a job, volunteering, and training opportunities 
  • Manage challenges arising from being a parent
  • Improve finances - deal with debt, maximise benefits 
  • Access specialist services to help with mental and physical health, substance misuse, criminal justice, or caring responsibilities 

LinkLiving’s Edinburgh Young Persons’ Service also provides limited accommodation with support in Edinburgh to help young people experiencing homelessness to live independently before moving on to a permanent tenancy elsewhere.  There are two projects consisting of five flats each located near a supported hub which provide move on accommodation for young people in temporary accommodation and focuses on supporting them to develop the independent living skills necessary to enable them to successfully manage a permanent tenancy.

Support Worker Malika and Red, who has been supported by the Edinburgh Young Persons Service, speak about the service below: 

How can you get support

Young people aged 16-25 in Edinburgh can self-refer or be referred to LinkLiving by another professional or organisation. Support varies depending on need, funding streams, and referral channels. Support is limited in duration/tasks undertaken depending on funding. 

If you require Visiting Housing Support (VHS), you can refer for this by completing our  Digital Form.

We also have a VHS enquiries phone line 0131 6030400 - you can call this number if you have any questions about the VHS service. 

If you would like more information about services other than VHS, please  contact us.

This service is amazing. There is no way I would be doing the things I am today without the support of LinkLiving staff.

Someone benefitting from the Edinburgh Young Persons’ Service

Thank you to our funders

This service is funded by the City of Edinburgh Council.

Thank you to our partners

Edinburgh Young Persons’ Service works in partnership with Move On who provide low-level support and befriending services.  Young people who no longer require regular visiting housing support can be referred to Move On for befriending should they feel they would benefit from this.