Moving On Up

Moving On Up runs five days a week and uses a trauma-informed approach to support young people to build confidence, develop resilience and realise their goals for the future.  It is a person-centred programme where young people have a voice and get to choose how their support works for them.

Participants will have a dedicated project worker and will take part in group work as well as one-to-one support and SCQF qualifications.

How we can help you

Young people attending Moving on Up will benefit from:

  • Mental health and well-being workshops
  • Peer support
  • SCQF qualifications
  • Focus groups
  • Support for parents
  • Support with identifying and achieving future goals
  • Signposting to relevant services

A dedicated project worker will facilitate group work and offer ongoing support once a young person has moved on to a positive destination, for a period of up to a year.

We strive to help people like George and Arden. Listen to how Moving On Up helped them: 

More information

For more information about referring a young person to Moving On Up, or to refer yourself, please get in touch.

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