Our performance

LinkLiving aims to provide the highest quality of service to all of the people who use our services regardless of whether the service is registered with the Care Inspectorate or not.

As an organisation, we are committed to continuous improvement and self-evaluation. We regularly produce quality assurance and performance reports to ensure that we continue to meet both internal and external standards.

All of the services we provide are subject to an annual internal audit conducted by our Quality Assurance staff. The audits examine a wide range of topics and use frameworks that are aligned with those used by the Care Inspectorate and also incorporate an examination of our compliance with the Health & Social Care Standards. Linkliving has a quality assurance policy based on 10 standards and the organisation's performance against these standards is measured on a quarterly basis. Audit and performance reports are provided to local and senior managers along with evidence-based action plans aimed at delivering continuous improvement and ensuring that our services continue to meet the needs of the people who use them.

Our registered services are regularly inspected by the Care Inspectorate who provide independent scrutiny and improvement reports on organisations delivering care services in Scotland. Prior to the Covid pandemic, our registered services in Edinburgh and Fife received grades of 5 (very good) and 6 (excellent).

Inspections have recently restarted following a break during the pandemic with our Edinburgh Mental Health Service (EMHS) again achieving grade 5 (very good) results following an inspection carried out in February 2023.

We are a Gold Investor in People, Investor in Young People, Investor in Diversity and an Investor in Volunteers. We also hold the Healthy Working Lives Gold Award and are currently working towards ISO 9001 accreditation for our Quality Management processes.