Sporting Chance

Sporting Chance runs two days per week over the course of eight weeks. It is made up of a series of interactive mental health and well-being workshops which run in the mornings. In the afternoons, there is the opportunity to get involved in sporting activities alongside or partner football organisations in each area. Young people will develop leadership skills, build confidence and resilience and improve physical health at the same time.

How we can help you

Young people attending Sporting Chance will benefit from:

  • Interactive workshops
  • Fun activities
  • The chance to take part in sports, including football
  • To develop leadership skills
  • Learn about physical and mental health
  • The opportunity to work towards mental health certificates approved by the SFA
  • Encouragement to re-engage with education or move on to other opportunities

The course is facilitated by a LinkLiving project worker and a coach from one of our partner football academies.

More information

For more information about referring a young person to Sporting Chance, or to refer yourself, please get in touch.

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