The benefits of walking for our mental health

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The benefits of walking on our mental health

Did you know that walking not only provides physical benefits, but physcological ones too? Even a short 15-minute walk can boost our energy levels, mental awareness, and mood. 

Here are just some of the benefits of adding a short walk into your daily routine:


 Increase energy levels 

Walking outdoors can boost energy levels by releasing endorphins and improving the flow of oxygen in our bodies.  This energy boost can help us achieve more throughout the day. 


Reduce stress and anxiety 

As well as endorphins improving our energy levels, they also help make us feel good. A daily walk can help us unwind and have some time away from everyday pressures, which can contribute to reduced stress and anxiety levels. 


Improve sleep  

Walking can help improve the quality of sleep we have each night, making us feel more rested and awake in the mornings. If you have difficulty sleeping, check out our tips on how to get a good night's sleep. 


Improve social opportunities

Socialising with friends and family improves our mood and wellbeing. Combining socialising with others and walking is a great way to improve your physical and mental health. There are also many walking groups where you can meet new people, such as the Paths For All Health Walks.


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