Fife Older Persons’ Service – Volunteer Befriending

The Older Persons' Service recruits, supports, and trains people as volunteer befrienders.  By enabling older people to be connected, the volunteers help to improve their quality of life, and this can delay or avoid the need for more intensive support.

The service matches trained volunteers with older people to provide person-centred befriending support in people’s homes and in their communities.

How we can help you

The befriending service provides a regular volunteer befriender to support alongside an older person to rebuild their confidence, decrease social isolation through regular visits, or by putting them in touch with other specialist agencies if needed.  These visits could be weekly or fortnightly face-to-face visits. 

I had not been out of the house in years before I got support from a befriender.

Someone supported by our Older Persons' Service

How can you get support

This service is for people aged 65+ based in West Fife.  People can refer themselves, be referred by a family member or another organisation.  

If you would like more information on our Older Persons' Service please contact us.

Thank you to our funders

This service is funded by the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership. 

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